Juma Iraki
Founder and Coach, Jumairaki.com Juma Iraki is a sought-after trainer with broad experience and expertise in training and nutrition. He has long experience working with everything from Average Joes to athletes at the top level. As a trainer, he is passionate about using scientific methods adapted to incorporate sustainable habits. He is a certified personal trainer from the Norwegian School of Sport Sciences and has a master's degree in sports nutrition from the University of Stirling. He also holds the prestigious IOC diploma in sports nutrition. Juma is also an active researcher and has muscle growth and metabolism as his areas of interest. In addition, he is a reviewer for The International Journal of Sports Nutrition and Exercise Metabolism. Juma is also an experienced speaker and teaches basic nutrition and sports nutrition at Academy for Personal Training in Norway. He is also a Sports Nutritionist for the Norwegian Judo Federation and works as an consultant for the biggest supplement company in Norway, Proteinfabrikken.