Why the carnivore diet works: a guide to ad libitum dieting
A Talk by Vincent Sparagna (Author, Online Trainer, & Owner, Scienceandiron.net)
About this Talk
Introduce the carnivore diet, and give some background
Outline the pros of the diet
Outline the cons of the diet
Highlight why the carnivore diet works so well for many, and tie that in to the last section:
How to lose fat without tracking calories - ad libitum dieting 101
This last section will tie everything together with practical advice for ad lib fat loss, and point out that the carnivore diet takes advantage of many sound dieting principles
Carnivore diet talk links and relevant info:
Disclaimer: Vincent Sparagna is not a doctor nor medical practitioner. This talk does not contain medical advice. You should consult with a healthcare or medical practitioner before you make any changes to your diet.
Carnivore diet slides: https://www.canva.com/design/DADscAEbu5g/dIhpI2IF_B6FxflzRKkJbA/view?utm_content=DADscAEbu5g&utm_campaign=designshare&utm_medium=link&utm_source=sharebutton
Carnivore diet slides PDF: https://drive.google.com/file/d/1mdAvEG6BcbzehU989cEmdKDSiC3JkQNf/view?usp=sharing